You can see sample code to access the LeagueApps private API in whichever method is best for you. All three options have the same Python code:

  1. Python file:

  2. Github repo:

  3. Plaintext file:


This file includes the parameters last_updated and last_id both set to 0. If you would like to test other values for these fields, you can change those values within the file.

To run the file:


Using this site:

The site ID is 43590

The client ID is 4ed0b8ab223s2gaa9f2c833b1e12

I downloaded the p12 file and converted it to a PEM file. I saved the Python file in the same folder:

I then ran the following from the command line:

This created a new file in the same folder called records.json , which contains the result of that API call to the registrations endpoint. If records.json already existed in the folder, it would be overwritten with new results.

Note on Windows