The Public API provides access to a full suite of publicly accessible content and functionality for a specific site. This includes information that is typically displayed on public facing websites, such as program listings, teams, and schedules. This API is intended for integrations that need programmatic access to public content (e.g., schedules) in order to create custom apps, pages, content, and tools.

Although publicly accessible, the Public API endpoints still need an API key in order to be accessed. Please note that anyone who has access to your site ID and API key will be able to access information about your programs. See Generate a public API key for information about generating an API Key.

Base URLs

There are multiple LeagueApps servers that you may be using for development. If you're unsure of which server you're working on, you can check the URL of the admin dashboard. The following table lists the different LeagueApps servers, the admin dashboard base URL, and the base URL for accessing the Public API.

Servers and Public API URLs


Once you have a public API Key, you can access the Public API endpoints through a GET request. Your API Key will be used in the header set equal to la-api-key. You can do so using an API development tool, such as Postman, or directly from your browser.

In the following example, I'm requesting a list of programs for my site:

In my browser, I'd get the following JSON response by typing in

In Postman, I'd get the same JSON response: