Table of contents:

1. Program List




Returns full details and descriptions for all programs on a site, including all states:


Field Type Description Requirement
la-api-key string Public API key that allows LeagueApps APIs usage required
includeState string Current state (LIVE, UPCOMING, COMPLETED, DRAFT) required
pageNum number Page number optional
pageSize number Page size optional
includeDeleted boolean Includes deleted programs in the response optional
includePrivate boolean Includes private programs in the response optional

Sample Usage:

Sample Response:

        "programId": 2420094,
        "deleted": false,
        "masterProgramId": 0,
        "isMaster": false,
        "isSessionBased": false,
        "createdOn": 1624904869000,
        "name": "New York Robins",
        "state": "UPCOMING",
        "visibility": "Public",
        "type": "CLUBTEAM",
        "code": "LT; PH",
        "description": "<p>The New York Robins club softball team meets every Monday and Tuesday from 4 to 6 pm.</p>",
        "summary": "",
        "startTime": 1625457600000,
        "endTime": 1630036800000,
        "tentativeStartTime": false,
        "publicRegistrationTime": 1624852800000,
        "endRegistrationTime": 1625803200000,
        "gender": "ANY",
        "lastUpdated": 1624904954000,
        "mode": "YOUTH",
				"integrationCode": "LT,TG",
        "freeAgentLabel": "Individual",
        "teamLabel": "Team",
        "captainLabel": "Captain",
        "divisionLabel": "Division",
        "processingFeeLabel": "Processing Fee",
        "additionalTeamFeeLabel": "Additional Team Fee",
        "sportId": 15,
        "sport": "Softball",
        "season": "Summer",
        "experienceLevel": "Intermediate",
        "scheduleDays": "Mon,Tue",
        "scheduleTimes": "4:00PM to 6:00PM",
        "sortOrder": 0,
        "feeRequired": false,
        "regularRegistrationTime": 1624852800000,
        "usingVariableTeamFee": true,
        "chargeMembershipFee": false,
        "hasPaymentPlans": false,
        "ageLimitEffectiveDate": 1625457600000,
        "hasWaitlist": true,
        "programUrlHtml": "//",
        "registerUrlHtml": "//",
        "scheduleUrlHtml": "//"
	    "programId": 2612211,
	    "deleted": false,
	    "masterProgramId": 0,
	    "isMaster": false,
	    "isSessionBased": false,
	    "createdOn": 1632246707000,
	    "name": "Fall 2022 Soccer",
	    "state": "LIVE",
	    "visibility": "Public",
	    "type": "CLUBTEAM",
	    "description": "",
	    "summary": "",
	    "startTime": 1631851200000,
	    "endTime": 1640754000000,
	    "tentativeStartTime": false,
	    "gender": "ANY",
	    "lastUpdated": 1659115886000,
	    "mode": "YOUTH",
	    "freeAgentLabel": "Individual",
	    "teamLabel": "Team",
	    "captainLabel": "Captain",
	    "divisionLabel": "Division",
	    "processingFeeLabel": "Processing Fee",
	    "additionalTeamFeeLabel": "Additional Team Fee",
	    "sportId": 14,
	    "sport": "Soccer",
	    "season": "Fall",
	    "experienceLevel": "Intermediate",
	    "sortOrder": 0,
	    "feeRequired": false,
	    "usingVariableTeamFee": true,
	    "chargeMembershipFee": false,
	    "hasPaymentPlans": false,
	    "hasWaitlist": true,
	    "programUrlHtml": "//",
	    "registerUrlHtml": "//",
	    "scheduleUrlHtml": "//"
		  "name":"Indoor Soccer Winter 2023-2024 Season",
		  "freeAgentLabel":"Free Agent",
		  "processingFeeLabel":"Processing Fee",
		  "additionalTeamFeeLabel":"Additional Team Fee",
		  "location":"Baruch College",
		  "sport":"Soccer (Indoor)",
		  "locationAddress1":"55 Lexington Ave",
		  "locationCity":"New York",